Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Report from schoarship winners - October 1, 2015

Pleasant Grove Lions Club enjoyed a special evening on Oct. 1st. Three young women from Pleasant Grove High School reported on their experiences of the past summer as they were delegates to special leadership organizations. Gracie Johnson attended HOBY (Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Camp) as a Sophomore. Only two students from each school in the state are chosen to be part of this experience.

Madeline Dupaix and Kate Petty were among the five girls chosen to attend Girls State this past summer. All three girls reported on their experiences and shared their impressions and some of what they learned.
These girls are vibrant, confident and capable and all feel that their opportunity to attend these special camps have helped them to develop their abilities and maturity. The Lions Club is grateful to be able to help financially somewhat so deserving students can have these opportunities.
Madeline Dupaix and Kate Petty

Gracie Johnson