April meeting - PLEASANT GROVE LIONS CLUB recently chose new officers for the 2015-2016 year.
Darlene Seely is the president;
Loraine Douglass - treasurer,
Sherry Hopkinson - secretary;
Jo Taylor - membership chairman;
Anne Fisher - Club Director, Public Relations;
Lorrie Jonas - past president.
Lions clubs are committed to serve in their communities and are always looking for service-minded people to join with them. To find out more, go to:
pglionsclub@gmail.com or call Jo Taylor (801) 580-3888.
We are fortunate to have Milt Taylor District Governor 2015-2016 for District 28T as a past president and member of our club.
May meeting - Jens Shumway, who attended HOBY (Hugh O Brian Youth Leadership) reported on his experiences and entertained us with his chello. Bob Ross, past HOBY program director also briefly spoke.
May was filled with activity as Girls State/Boys State candidates were chosen and two scholarships were awarded. Scholarship recipients are Cameron DeBuck and Ashlyn Grange. Girls State attendees from Pleasant Grove High are Anna Barnes, Madeline Dupaix, Tiandra Edwards, Kate Petty and Janelle Reid; Boys State from Pleasant Grove High are Vincente Carbajal and Jordan Long. We look forward to hearing reports from these students at future Lions Club meetings. We are pleased to be able to help with these exciting opportunities for the great students. We appreciate the support of community members who have contributed to our fundraising efforts, making it possible for us to help these students. Look for Pleasant Grove Lions Club entry in the Strawberry Days parade where some of these students will participate - we'll be looking for you!