Friday, March 28, 2014

District Governor & Cabinet Visit & Elections, March 27, 2014

 The P. G. Lions Club had a fun and delightful evening and dinner at the Pizza Pie Café in Orem, Utah.  We had the pleasure of our District Cabinet visiting us.  Members of the cabinet present were Beverly Thomas District Governor, Craig Rasmussen 1st Vice District Governor, Milt Taylor 2nd Vice District Governor and Lorraine Douglas Secretary/Treasurer.  We are so glad that they were with us and for their support.

Lorraine, Sherry and Craig
  In addition we had the privilege of installing Sherry Hopkinson as a brand new member of our club.  Craig Rasmussen 1st Vice District Governor performed the installation ceremony.  Lorraine Douglas was Sherry’s sponsor. Welcome Sherry!

Finally we had elections.  Lorie Jonas as Finally President, Helga Whaley 1st Vice President, Stephanie Vicars-Robinson, Sherry Hopkinson Secretary and Lorraine Douglas as Treasurer.

Lorie, Stephanie, Lorraine and Sherry
 We welcome all of you that live in Utah County to consider joining with our Lions Club which is a club in the largest global service organization in the world with 1,375 million members in over 46,000 clubs in 208 counties.  Our motto is WE SERVE and we empower volunteers to provide humanitarian service in our community and around the world.