OneSight Vision Van will be making its annual stop here in Utah, March 11-13th. All three days will be in Salt Lake City. March 11-12th will be at Lincoln elementary 1090 South Roberts Street. March 13th will be at Jackson Elementary 750 west 200 north. We will be seeing 80-90 kids per day. Eye exams and free glasses will be made on site for these school aged children. All the kids have been prescreened and will have appointments.
We will need volunteers to help with the vision screening process and activities with the children while they wait. Volunteers will need to be there by 8:00am for training. We typically are there until 5:00pm. We ask the shifts are full days but if someone can only work part day, we will do 8-1 or 1-5 shifts.
If any of the Utah Lions Clubs would like to participate you can contact: Stephanie Vicars-Robinson at 801-897-0114 or
Eye Care Chairman
Pleasant Grove Lions Club