Each year in late fall we have ordered calendars for friends of the Pleasant Grove Lions Club. As the landscape has changed so the need of the paper calendar has diminished. We have provided information below thanking you for all the support you have given in the past and a way to continue helping us make a difference. Lions Clubs around the world are celebrating our Centennial Year of Service. We have 5 area that we focus our service on:
1. Vision, 2. Diabetes, 3. Humanitarian, 4. Pediatric Cancer and 5. Environment. Pleasant Grove Lions also assists when funds permit scholarships in leadership and educational scholarships.
Please join with us as we continue to make a difference in our community and around the world.
Jo Taylor – President
654 West 1820 North
Orem, Utah 84057-2081
Dear Family & Friends of Pleasant Grove Lions Club,
We as members of the Pleasant Grove Lions Club express our appreciation for your support over the years, especially concerning our Community Birthday Calendars. This project has been a major fund raiser for our club, enabling us to offer scholarships to high school students.
Our club helps with funding Hugh O’Brian Leadership Camps, and Boys State, Girls State candidates. We have offered eye exams and eyeglasses to many in our area who could not otherwise afford them. We also have an eye screening program in which we use a special Spot camera. We go into the schools and in the community to determine if there is a need to see an eye care professional.
We also try to help families in need by providing a Christmas dinner and serving in other ways. These endeavors have been made possible for our Lions Club because of your support.
We are now becoming aware that many people no longer use a physical calendar, but utilize an electronic device of some kind. Therefore, we have decided that we will discontinue the project of selling the Community Calendars.
The need for funds to continue serving the area communities and the schools is ongoing. Many of you have bought the calendar because of a desire to help these good causes and to support the work of our Lions Club. We could not have done these things without you, and we are very grateful for your loyalty.
Perhaps you could make the season of Thanksgiving your reason to help the Lions Club accomplish our goals of serving others. Together, each of our small efforts can bring great results.
We now would like to ask for a financial contribution from you. Perhaps an annual contribution similar to your purchase of the calendar would work. However, we would accept donations, in any amount, any time of the year. Would you consider putting the Lions Club on your list of causes you want to support? If you have questions please call (801) 913-2533.
Make checks payable to:
Pleasant Grove Lions Club
c/o PDG Milton Taylor,
654 W. 1820 N.
Orem, Utah 84057-2081
Yours in Service,
PDG Milton Taylor,
Vice President and Vision Coordinator
Pleasant Grove Lions Club