Tuesday, December 4, 2012

November 27th, 2012

The Pleasant Grove Lions Club had the opportunity to install three new members.  We are always glad to welcome those that want to give back to the community they live in.  Those install ed are Chance and Terra Geylord and Anne Tripp.  Duane Gilner from the Payson club did the installing.  We were glad to have Duane and his wife Donna be here for this event.  Duane had been a president of the Payson club.

Darleen Seely received her 15 year chevron pin for 15 years of service.  Come join us and make a difference in Northern Utah County.

Duane Gilner

Terra & Chance Geylord

Anne Tripp

Lorrie Jonas pinning on pins of Terra & Chance

Friday, November 30, 2012

Fund Raising - Oct. 13, 1012

This fund raiser was held to generate money towards the purchase of a smaller oxygen tank for a 4 year old child.  The smaller tank would make it easier for him to participate in preschool activities.   Scones and cotton candy and popcorn were sold.   Face painting and a yard sale helped generate the found.   A bounce house provided entertainment for children while their parents looked at yard sale items.    Many services and supplies were donated for the project.   Our good friend Bob Lloyd provided the deep fat frier for the scone.

Bounce House

Lorrie Jonas

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Installation of Officers - 09/22/2012

We had our monthly lions meeting and officially installed our new Pleasant Grove Lions Club Board of Directors.  From left to right, President Lorrie Jonas, Vice President Darlene Seely, Secretary Jo Taylor and Treasurer Anne Fisher.   

The club is looking to have a great year of service and find new people who would like to give back to their community.  There are a number of wonderful opportunities to give service to our community and we invite people to participate with us if you like to serve others by leading out and making a difference.

Please give us a call.  We would love to share with you the service we provide as a club and how you can help.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Darlene Seely
 Each year the Pleasant Grove lions club participates in Heritage Days at the Park on 200 South Main Street in Pleasant Grove, Utah.  This year the lions club made scones from 8 AM until 4 PM.  The funds raise goes to help the lions club in some of their projects such as helping the needing get glasses and student scholarships and leadership programs.  The club appreciates all those who helped make this project successful.  Scones is always a fun food when one is out at the park.  We even did some face painting this year for the kids.

Anne Fisher

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lions Club Fundraiser

Child in need of a portable oxygen concentrator so he can play with other children.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Heritage Days - September 8, 2012

The Pleasant Grove Lions club is looking forward to Pleasant Grove Heritage Days help September 8th at the park on 1st South Main Street in Pleasant Grove.  The Lions Club will be selling scones from 8 AM until 4 PM or until we run out of scones.

This is one way the Lions Club raises to help folks in need get glasses and provide student educational and leadership scholarships.  We are always looking for additional members to strengthen the club and feel the joy of giving back to the community. 

Please come and join us, get a great scone with honey butter and sugar plus a drink.  You will be glad you did.  Pleasant Grove is a wonderful place to raise a family and we are a family club.

If you have questions contact Lorrie (President) at (801) 427-6055.

July 28, 2012 Dinner meeting.

Several area students were invited with their parents to join the Lions at their July meeting and to share recent experiences with the group.

Cooper Thomas and Krista Clark spoke of their experiences at HOBY (Hugh O'Brian Youth) Leadership Camp. This week-long camp, held in May, is open to 10th grade students and usually two students from each school are chosen to attend. 
Joshua Doxey from Pleasant Grove High and Darrell Busch from American Fork High received scholarships this year from the Pleasant Grove Lions Club. Both of these young men spoke of their interests and experiences in high school and their goals for future education.  They both will be enrolled at BYU this fall. 

Kalare Eberting and Megan Bromley represented Pleasant Grove High School at Girls State in June. They reported learning a great deal about government and leadership, the election process, state history and many other things. A number of motivational speakers are part of the experience there. Girls State and Boys State allow two 11th grade girls and two boys to attend. The Boys State representative this year was Jacob Sorenson.  He will report his experience to the Lions Club at a later meeting. 

During the evening, several of the students shared their various talents with those in attendance. Joshua Doxey played a piano solo.  Krista Clark and Kalare Eberting each played violin solos. These musical numbers were very enjoyable and the young people are extraordinarily talented.

Scholarship winners 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

June 2012 Parades

Club entry in parade - vehicle from Paul Langstrom GMC
June always brings parades.  2012 was no exception.  Our club participated in the Cedar Hills and Pleasant Grove Strawberry Days Parade.  We want to let folks know that we are out there, that we provide a good deal of service and recognize people for their outstanding service in the community.  The students are recipients of our club scholarships.  The photos below are from the Strawberry Days parade. 

Scholarships & Humanitarian awards shown on vehicle
Scholarship winners

Humanitarian award winner - RoseAnn Gunther

Monday, April 23, 2012

Humanitarian Dinner 04/21/2012

We held our annual dinner where we honor an outstanding individual as Humanitarian of the year.  RoseAnn Gunther of American Fork, Utah was our honoree.  She has spent life helping our brothers and sisters in third world countries and such places as Iraq, South Korea and Afghanistan.  She has provided all kind of life enhancing kits, glasses and food.  For about 45 minutes she shared with us her story.  She is a pretty special lady.  Below is photos Mrs. Gunther:
RoseAnn Gunther - presenting her humanatarian program (22 years

Milt Taylor presenting Humanatarion award to RoseAnn Gunther

RoseAnn Gunther with Humanarian Award

RoseAnn Gunther

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Glasses Cleaning Project - March 10, 2012

Two or three times yearly we as a club clean glasses, bag them and take them to be read. The glasses are then sent on humanitarian efforts in third world countries. It is our privilege to provide glasses to our brothers and sisters in third world countries who could not get glasses otherwise. It is nice when we get reports back of the joy of those that the glasses made such a difference and opened up a whole new world.

The picture below shows Darlene and Jo in the process of cleaning glasses.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 18, 2012 - District Governor's Visit

Sometime during the year our Lions Club has the 28T District Governor come visit our club.  District Governor Marty Sherman and his lovely wife Pat honored our club.  He spoke about having the Lion Tail magazine sent by email and saving about $500 in mailing costs.  We were encouraged to get at least one new member.  He presented President Lynn Seely with his governor’s pin.
Milt Taylor past president presented to Governor Marty Sherman and President Lynn Seely a lion’s pin from the Salt Lake City (oldest club in Utah) Lions Club.  They are in district 28U.  The lion’s pen represented 90 years of the Salt Lake City club’s existence. 
One of the fun things that lion members do is collect pins from other clubs and people.  This helps lions remember where they have been and who they had the chance to meet.  You might say this helps connect this global club and recognize the great service rendered.

Thinks goes out to Anne Fisher for arranging for a wonderful dinner catered by Smoking Apple.  Anne works hard to help the club run smoothly.
We as a club are always open to having new people become a part of our club and have a willingness to help our community become a better place to live. 
To learn more about lion clubs click on the following link:

January 2012 - Annual Eye Screening of pre-schoolers

Each year the Pleasant Grove Lions Club does eye screening of pre-school children.  Again they year we were at the Pleasant Grove Recreation Center.
We did 264 children this year.  Wal-Mart in Linden is where we have the pictures read.  Out of the 264 read there where 12 children that needed further referrals.  This program can really make a significant difference for children requiring further examination. 
Sometimes the scanning process is really challenging as a mass production with other children waiting or bouncing off the wall.  The teachers really had a dual duty trying to help the children sit still while waiting and then bringing them up to have their eyes tested.   The project ran smoothly considering the nature of the project. 
Darlene and Jo from the Lions Club and the teachers did a super job and performed a great service.  The project this year spanned a portion of three days.  A big roar for Darlene and Jo.