This is Aaliyah. She is 19 months old. She has never worn glasses before. She has multiple health issues including a cornea disease. The family has Medicaid but even with that, her glasses were more than the family could afford due to her very high Rx. But thanks to the Pleasant Grove Lions Club and the Provo Towne Center Lenscrafters she was able to get her very much needed glasses in an hour.
Aaliyah was crying and a bit cranky when her family came in to pick up the glasses. When they placed the glasses on her she instantly stopped crying and looked around in wonder. A few adjustments and recommendations were made and the family left. The next day I received a text message from her mother thanking me for the glasses. She said Aaliyah had not even tried to take them off once and that if anyone else tried to, she would cry! They were very thankful for the lions club help.