Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Annual Christmas Basket Project, December 17, 2011

Once again we have the opportunity to provide Christmas Baskets of food for those of neighbors that are having current challenges in their lives. The Lions Club along with the Pleasant Grove Kiwanis Club put together 71 boxes of food which included such items as a turkey, 5 lbs. of potatoes, vegetables and a pie.

Food was picked up from stores at 7 am and packed into boxes starting at 9 am. Food boxes were then delivered to those whom we felt could really benefit from such a gift. We are so grateful for all who took time out of there lives to assist in this most worthwhile project.

The more Lions Club members we have the greater difference we can make.  Being a part of your local Lions Club is a wonderful way to give back to your community.  The Pleasant Grove Lions Club currently represents northern Utah County.  Give us a call and consider becoming a Lion.  We are the largest service organization in the world.  You can check out Lions International on the web.

Ann (Project Coordinator)

Here are some pictures from our project. Pictures taken by Darlene Seely and Jo Taylor. 

Milt (Past President)

Lynn Seely - President

Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 11, 2011 - Neph Lions host Veteran's Day Celebration

Lion President Lynn Seely, his wife Darline and retired Colonel Angela Longboat were invited to attend the Nephi Lions Club Veteran's Day celebration.

Retired Colonel Angela Longboat, member of the Pleasant Grove Lions Club spoke at the annual Nephi Veterans commemoration.

She spoke to three groups: 9:30, 12:30, 5 p.m. After each session attendees witnessed American flags being retired.

Colonel Longboat talked about honoring those all those who served in the military in any capacity. Every service man or woman made it possible for us to be in our country and say "The Pledge of Allegiance". Remember all of the wars and conflicts, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, The Gulf War, Iraq, and Afghanistan. There are some forgotten wars such as Granada and Kosovo. She noted our struggles can be considered blessings if we look at them with a positive attitude. Colonel Longboat lost her vision when blown up in Iraq. Her blindness allows her to see every individual as beautiful and handsome. She also mentioned how her service dog "Faith" has helped her. She shared with the children how Faith acted when working with her harness and how she acted like a normal dog without her harness.

We in the Pleasant Grove Club so much appreciate the example of retired Colonel Angela Longboat and the service she has rendered to our great country.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oct. 22, 2011 - Girl & Boy State Scholarship winners

At our dinner tonight catered by Costa Vida we heard reports from our Girl and Boy State scholarship winners and our American Legion guests.  The Lions Club supports leadership programs that youth can participate in and develop in to our future leaders.  We are glad to support leadership programs as we can because we see the difference it makes in the participant's lives.  All scholarships came from Pleasant Grove High School.
Rebekah Willey

Jessie Black

Hunter Black

Michael Golling

Hyrum Arnesen

Cary & Richard Fisher - Pres. of Axillary and Pres. of American Legion in Utah

Sept. 10, 2011 - Pleasant Grove Heritage Days

Every September the Pleasant Grove Lions Club provides breakfast at the Pleasant Grove Heritage Days festival.  This is an opportunity to let the community know who we are and to raise funds for the sight preservation and scholarship programs that we participate in.  This is a fun time for all and plenty of good food to eat.  Scones are an added plus.

Pleasant Grove Lions Club

Box for the collections of used eye glasses

Youth assisting in service and serving at Heritage Day breakfast

Jo and Milt Taylor working at breakfast preparation

Mark & Christine Peterson making scones

Brandon Sommers trying to eat a huge stuffed scone

July 23, 2011, Educational Scholarship Presentation

Saturday, July 23, 2011 the P. G. Lions Club held its annual educational scholarship presentation dinner.  Every year we try and provide scholarships in the Northern Utah County area with education scholarships.  This year we gave two scholarships.  Our two winners this year were Elizabeth Ann Pace (no pictures and not present at dinner) fromLone Peak High School who will be attending BYU and Nathan Morris from Pleasant Grove High School and will be attending UVU. 

Nathan Morris

Lynn Seely President, Nathan Morris, Parents Troy and Julie Morris

Monday, August 1, 2011

June - July 2011

During the month of June the Lions Club participate in parades in Pleasant Grove and Cedar Hills to help these two cities be aware of the Lions Club and the scholarships and programs we are involved in. We are here to serve and assist those who need a lift. Part of our mission is to the preservation of sight. We are always looking for fine men and women that want to volunteer and be part of an organization that helps people preserve their sight.

We also work with scouts that need to have an eagle project. This becomes a win, win for everybody. Glasses are gathered from the community, cleaned, read and bagged and sent to third world counties for distribution though humanitarian efforts in third world countries.

Harrison is the latest of our scouts that have worked with the Lions Club to fulfill his eagle project requirements. He did a great job gathering and processing 250 glasses.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Once yearly we as the Pleasant Grove Lions Club honor our HOBY scholarship youth leaders. This year we assisted Ernesto Terreros and McKinsey Veenker. They reported about their expreiences and what they learned most from the HOBY experience. They shared their plans for the future as well. We are grateful for the support of their parents. That means a great deal.

Bob Ross HOBY Leadership chairman and Dave Olpin President of Utah HOBY expressed their appreciation for the Lions Club support. They shared with us insightful information about the HOBY program. HOBY stands for the Hugh O'Brian Youth program. This program teaches leadership skills to our youth.

For those of you whose may not know Hugh O'Brian was the movie actor Wyatt Earp. He was also a great example and a man with 8 docterate degrees.

The Pleasant Grove Lions Club is pleased to be a partner in helping youth participate in the HOBY leadership program.



Bob Ross - Chairman Utah HOBY Dave Olpin - President of Utah HOBY

Friday, May 6, 2011

Working with the Boy Scouts

As a Lions Club we strive to do much in the preservation of sight. One way we do that is providing glasses to needy people in third world countries. As boy scouts look for eagle projects to do, the Pleasant Grove Lions Club has stepped up and provided a means where scouts can do an eagle project by gathering, cleaning, packaging and having glasses read so the Lions Club can see that these glasses go to really making a difference for good to those in the most need.

This is the story of 13 year old Harrison Ressler and the first Eagle Scout applicant in his troop. Harrison went around his neighborhood and collected 235 pair of glasses. He had put a box in his local library as another means to collect glasses. One family gave him 20 pair of difference sizes glasses that they had used over the years as there kids were growing up. This was a 40 hour project for Harrison. Below are pictures of him with the boxes of glasses and with his very supportive parents Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ressler.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 18, 2011 Glassess Cleaning Project

Club members had the opportunity to clean glasses to get them ready to be read and then used for humanitarian purposes. Below shows Darlene and Milt bagging cleaned glasses. Second picture are cleaned glasses ready for bagging.

The Pleasant Grove Lions Club has done a lot in providing glasses for those in need in our local community and humanitarian needs around the globe.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Februrary 19, 2-11 Dinner and program

We always like to honor our lions that have put a great deal of service into Lionism. Milt Taylor (right), Dave Monson (middle) & Dee Mecham (absent) received their 30 year chevrons. Thanks so much for the difference you have made. Lynn Seely, president (left) presented the chevrons.

We were privileged of have the Monkey Town Cloggers perform for us. They are from the Monkey Town area of Pleasant Grove. We thank Anne Fisher
for getting this group for us.

It was our opportunity once again this year to present an individual from the area with the Humanitarian of the Year Award. Dr. David Dickerson has traveled all over the world (such as Taiwan and Peru) giving dental services to third world counties and to individuals that would never have this kind of help any other way. He takes a team with him. There are a couple of planned trips coming up this year. He shared with us video and slides of the many people he and his team served. We are so proud of the difference he has made in so many lives.
The Pleasant Grove Lions is always finding ways to improve the lives of individuals in the community. We are now looking at providing scholarships for students in the local area for Boy and Girls State, HOBY leadership program and college educational persuits.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jan 22, 2011 Dinner Meeting

This meeting was our annual meeting where we have the priviledge of having our 28T District Governor comes and shares valuable information about the district and other important information for lion clubs. Bob Hansen is a great District Governor and is supported by his lovely wife Yvonne.
Less Southam shared with us about their next misssion to Africa. Less & Nancy have been there before and had many great opportunities to serve. Kim perform three lovely songs for us with our own Anne Fisher as accompanist.
We are please to have Dr. Angela Longboat join the Pleasant Grove Lions Club and become our newest member. Welcome Dr. Longboat. Milt Taylor was her sponsor. She has retired from the Armed Forces, has worked for the CIA and Army Intellegence. Dr. Longboat has 3 Doctorate degrees. Welcome Dr. Longboat.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Food Baskets Project, December 18th, 2010

Every December we as a Lions Club and friend get together and prepare Christmas Food Baskets for families who are in need. The feelings of love, gratitude and making a difference filled our hearts. We felt that instead of having our own Christmas dinner and program that we would direct our efforts to helping others be a little more cheery. Folks that receive the baskets are most grateful and the spirit of Christmas is felt by all.

We started at 11 am at the club house. There were many hands and a good amount of a good variety of food items. Macey's grocery store donated 35 hams for the project. 35 Christmas food baskets were packed to overflowing with food. The food was donated my members of the lions clue and a family who wanted to buy food rather than buying gifts. What a learning experience for the children of that family.

Six long tables were set up so the food baskets could be filled in an assembly line fashion. At the end of the assembly line baskets were tagged with delivery and contact information. At the end of the assembly line a greeting letter from the Pleasant Grove Lions Club. Baskets were delivered to families in Orem, Pleasant Grove and American Fork.

We as a Lions Club are so grateful for and acknowledge our friends who helped make a big difference in our project. Below are some pictures of some of those involved. Names on the pictures have not been included for annonymity purposes.

We welcome any one that wants to make a difference, the Lions Club is a great way to do that. Please give us a call.